THE BIG BIRD- A love that is often forgotten.

The nights turned cold,
A cover of warmth on my body was there to me, snugly hold;
There came the rain instead,
A big ‘tree’, to protect me, stood above my head.
Clouds of darkeness overshadowed our nest,
A fighting spirit won over the scavengers, protecting its little birdies and home, in a manner, which couldn’t have been less than the best.

Leaves too fell from our tree of hope,
A chirp gave us the courage, with this situation, to cope.

Continue reading “THE BIG BIRD- A love that is often forgotten.”

Like the sun rays….

Love me for my thorns,

Not for the petals, with the beauty of which, I was born.

It so easy to get caught in the depths of my raven black eyes,

But so tough to know the love they search, which all my life, I had been despised.

My smile is a deception, from the pain in my heart,

Hiding away my sorrows, is an everyday art.

I prevent everyone from reaching the abandoned lanes of my thoughts,

Continue reading “Like the sun rays….”